)Soil- The secret to a successful garden is good quality soil! Knowing the soil you are working with is essential to having a successful garden. A soil that is healthy can evenly spread nutrients and moisture to the plants. If you decide to do a container garden, potting soil is ideal because it provides good drainage and is able to retain water and nutrients. For every soil problem, there is a solution. Don’t be afraid to get your soil tested if you need to. The results can reveal what your soil needs in order for your plants to grow properly. You can get a standard garden soil test for $29.99 on Amazon, or you can have your soil tested by a lab in your state. Look online to see what’s available in your area. Here are some suggestive treatments for nutrient deficiency. Tips for an alkaline soil: Add soil amendments like peat moss, compost, and manure to help stabilize the soil from being too alkaline. Soil amendments can be use to help with nitrogen deficiency. They include manure, compost, bloodmeal, alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, crab meal, feather meal, soy bean meal, and grass clippings. For acidic soil, add soil amendments like bonemeal, oyster shells, limestone, wood ash, and dolomite. A healthy soil pH ranges from 5.5 to 7.5.
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